Level 30, Marland House
570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
Phone: (03) 9032 3200
Toll Free: 1800 242 703
Fax: (03) 903 3223
DX 210222 Melbourne
Email: mht@mht.vic.gov.au
5th Floor
436 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Phone: 1300 309 337
TTY: 1300 305 612
Fax: (03) 9603 9501
Email: publicadvocate@justice.vic.gov.au
470 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000
GPO Box 263C Melbourne Victoria 3001
DX 350, Melbourne
Phone: (03) 9607 9311
Fax: (03) 9602 5270
Please give us feedback about your experiences using Foolkit and ideas for improvements.
55 King Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
DX 210576
GPO Box 5408 CC
Melbourne Vic 3001
Office Hours: 9.00am to 4.30pm
Law Calendar Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Guardianship - Administrators List
Phone: ((03) 9628 9911 / 1800 133 055 (outside Melb. Metro area only)
Fax: (03) 9628 9932
Locked Bag 3060
Melbourne Vic 3001
Phone: 1300 884 114
Fax: (03) 8635 5588
Email: info@sct.gov.au
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