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Community Legal Assistance

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Legal Aid WA

InfoLine: 1300 650 579

Perth Office
55 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000

PO Box L916
Perth WA 6842

Telephone: (08) 9261 6222
Facsimile: (08) 9325 5430

Western Australia 1 community legal services justice legal aid counselling legal advice

Aboriginal Legal Service of WA

Head Office
7 Aberdeen Street
Perth WA 6004
(near McIver Train Station)

PO Box 8194
Perth Business Centre 6849

Free Call: 1800 019 900

Tel: (08) 9265 6666
Fax: (08) 9221 1767
After Hours: (08) 9265 6644

See also Aboriginal Family Law Services which is a community legal centre

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Domestic Violence Contacts

Women's Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hours)
Telephone (08) 9223 1188
Free call 1800 007 339

Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hours)
Telephone (08) 9223 1199
Free call 1800 000 599

Police 000 or contact your local police station


The Ombudsman provides free, impartial, informal and timely resolution of complaints to promote fairness, openness and good public administration. There are separate officers for matters concerning the State of Western Australiaand for those relating to the Federal Government.

The Ombudsman can assist you with your complaint about the administrative actions of a government agency or authority, or local government council.


Western Australia 2 community legal services justice legal aid counselling legal advice

Mental Health Law Centre

The Mental Health Law Centre is a statewide specialist Community Legal Centre, which specialises in mental health law.

96-98 Parry Street
Perth Western Australia 6000

Tel: (08) 9328 8266
Freecall (Within WA) 1800 620 285

Consumer Credit Legal Service

Provides legal advice and representation to consumers in WA in the areas of credit, banking and finance

Telephone: (08) 9221 7066

Employment Law Centre

A community legal centre specialising in employment law.

Telephone: (08) 9227 0111
1300 130 956 and see website for other contacts

Relationships Australia - WA

Telephone: 1300 364 277 (cost of a local call)
When you call this number, you will automatically be directed to the nearest RAV centre.

Online Counselling (not free)

Community Legal Centres

Community Legal Centres Assoc (WA)

The Community Legal Centres Association of WA (the Association) is the peak organisation representing the 28 Community Legal Centres (CLCs) operating in Western Australia.

It is committed to the principles of human rights, social justice and equity, including the rights of Western Australians to equity in access to legal services.

Women's Law Centre

445 Hay Street,

GPO Box 3182
East Perth WA 6892

Tel: (08) 9272 8800
Toll Free: 1800 625 122


Check for Related Legal Issues

A major event can affect different aspects of a person’s life. The most immediate legal issue can sometimes overshadow other legal or social issues simmering beneath the surface. Early recognition of these issues will help a person take better control of their situation.

Fitzroy Legal Service produce Between a Rock and Hard Place - A workers manual to the legal system. This comprehensive guide takes a welfare perspective of the law and is an excellent starting point for workers in disability, youth, drug & alcohol and other community/welfare sectors who need to understand the legal system but don’t want to get bogged down by the law.

Western Australia 3 community legal services justice legal aid counselling legal advice