Wednesday, 12th March 2025
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General Tools

On this page

Tools Highlights

  • A to Z Collection of Links to calculators and tools grouped alphabetically.
  • Desktop Detective Collection of Tools for finding out information about people both in Australia and overseas using the resources of the internet.
  • Legal Assistant Collection of Tools for legal assistants.

Boolean Searching & Search Engines

Don't forget to use "search within results" on the results page to refine your query. Then there is the issue of authenticating online evidence for use in Court.

  • Ask (or Ask Jeeves) - Allows you to search by asking plain english questions
  • Dogpile - combines a number of search engines into one.
  • Bing - better than most at searching images
  • WolframAlpha - aggregates information from a number of sources into a summary page
Queensland 1  general useful tools boolean search legal research public notaries law societies legal strategy law humour law jokes

The Art of War

Wikipedia says " of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. It is also one of the most famous studies of strategy and has had a huge influence on Eastern and Western military planning, business tactics, and beyond."

Foolkit would add "and to the strategies of clever lawyers"

Foolkit would also match this with a favourite, "Getting to Yes" by Fisher, Ury and Patton. That one you will have to buy.

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More Links!!!! Aren't there enough in Foolkit for you in already? (Mostly from Federal Court)

Research Tools

Instapaper: This is a very simple free addition to your browser's toolbar. When you find a page that's interesting and you don't have time to read it, just click the button. If you select text before clicking then this is added as a text comment.Also useful if you are collecting information on a topic. Try out its feature like add a folder, move (to a folder), view text only, archive and print in a range of formats including 3 column newspaper style.


It is beyond the scope and budget of this site to provide a set of free precedents.

QLS Wills Precedents (out of print)

The The Law Society of NSW has a range of precedents that it sells. Prices vary.

The LIV Bookshop sells a wide range of hard copy and electronic forms. Although written for Victorian Law, many are still of practical help for a Queensland Solicitor.

Queensland 2  general useful tools boolean search legal research public notaries law societies legal strategy law humour law jokes

Legal Research for Students

The Federal Court of Australia has a collection of links for Students on Legal research and citation guides.

They suggest that school, tertiary or local public libraries are often the best place to start your research.

The Australian Libraries Gateway provides easy access to contact details, web sites and catalogues of libraries.

For more advanced students there is Thinking Like a Librarian: Tips for Better Legal Research.

Queensland 3  general useful tools boolean search legal research public notaries law societies legal strategy law humour law jokes

Legal Humour

Plain English Drafting

Clarity is a web site that fosters the use of good, clear language by the legal profession. They have articles that include some practical examples of plain language drafting.

Plain English Lexicon (link is in the last line) is a free download (I could only get the download to work in Internet Explorer). It is a guide as to whether or not your words will be understood and suggests alternative plain english words.