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List A: List A Barristers

Owen Dixon Chambers
205 William Street
Victoria 3000
DX90 Melbourne
T: (61 3) 9225 8444
F: (61 3) 9225 8395
E: info@barristers.com.au

List B: Michael Green



Owen Dixon Chambers
William Street, Melbourne
Victoria, Australia.      
(03) 9225 7222
(03) 9225 8485

List D: Dever's List



Owen Dixon Chambers
205 William Street
Melbourne, Vic. 3000

DX 96 Melbourne

Phone: 9225 7999
Fax: 9225 7728

Mobile: John Dever 041 608 7999

Mobile: Phil Dever 040 225 7999

General Email: dever@vicbar.com.au

List F: Foley's List

Owen Dixon Chambers
205 William Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Ausdoc DX 92

Tel +61 3 9225 7777
Fax +61 3 9225 8480
Email foleys@foleys.com.au

List of Foley's Clerks

List G: List G Barristers

Owen Dixon Chambers
205 William Street Melbourne 3000

Telephone 9225 8558
Facsimile 9225 8668
Mobile 0412 365 584

DX 89 Melbourne

Email enquiries@listgbarristers.com.au

List H: Lennon's List


205 William Street
Melbourne 3000

Phone : +61 (3) 9225 7555
Fax : +61 (3) 9225 8968

e-mail : lennonslist@vicbar.com.au

List L: Holmes List

555 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, 3000

Phone: (03) 9225 6444
Fax: (03) 9225 6464

email: paulholmes@vicbar.com.au

List M: Meldrum & Hyland List



Isaacs Chambers
555 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
DX: 93 Melbourne

Phone: (03) 9225 7444
Fax: 9225 8686

List Q: Lyus LeGal

Level 26, 200 Queen Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

Ph: 03 9001 8080
Mobile: 0414 71 72 71

List R: RJ Howells

Owen Dixon Chambers West
525 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000

Phone : (03) 9225 7666
Fax : (03) 9225 8450

E-Mail : richowells@vicbar.com.au

List S: Gordon & Jackson


525 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000

Phone : (03) 9225 7333
Fax : (03) 9225 7907
DX : 94 Melbourne

e-mail : clerks@gordonandjackson.com.au

List T: Barristers Logistics

Level 1, Melbourne Chambers
235 Queen Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

T 03 9640 3227
F 03 9640 3104

DX 522 Melbourne

E-mail: accounts@barristerslogistics.com.au

List W: Patterson's List

Room 1, Ground Floor
Owen Dixon Chambers West
525 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

Phone: 03 9225 7888
Fax: 03 9600 0320

List Y: Young's List

Young's List
Level 1, 550 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

Phone: 03 9225 6777

GPO Box 4770
Melbourne Vic 3001
DX 86 Melbourne


Marketing Employment Law