A daily list of the cases to be heard in these State Courts. The list is updated late in the day if you wish to check the list for the following day.
Level 42
MLC Centre
19 Martin Place
Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 2727
Sydney NSW 2001
DX 444 Sydney
Telephone: 02 9581 7777
Fax: 02 9581 7778
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HINT: If you keep being asked by your computer how to open the file, you can choose to either tick the option to open the file this way every time in future or you may choose to tick the option to stop asking you this question every time.
Crown Solicitor's Office
60-70 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
The Crown Solicitor
Crown Solicitor's Office
GPO Box 25
Sydney NSW 2001
DX 19 Sydney
Phone: (02) 9224 5000
Fax: (02) 9224 5011
Email: crownsol@agd.nsw.gov.au
Crown Solicitor's Contacts List
265 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Locked Bag A8
Sydney South NSW 1232
DX: 11525 Sydney Downtown
Telephone: (02) 9285 8606
Fax: (02) 9285 8600
Public Defenders Chambers
Level 23, 1 Oxford Street
Sydney NSW 2000
DX 11545 Sydney Downtown
Telephone: (02) 9268 3111
Facsimile: (02) 9268 3168
Email: Public Defenders